Kristian Cedervall Lauta
Professor, Prorektor for uddannelse
Nørregade 10, Postboks 2177
1017 København K
Medlem af:
CURRICULUM VITAE for Kristian Cedervall Lauta
Born 1982 in Holbæk, married to Birgitte Søgaard Lauta, father to Ella, Agnes, Theodor and Rita.
Work Address: Krystalgade 25, DK-1172 Copenhagen K
Phone: +45 35324381
2012 PhD, University of Copenhagen
2008 Ll.M., University of Copenhagen
2005 Ll.B., University of Copenhagen
Scientific focus areas
Main research topic: Law and Disasters, State of Emergency
Secondary research topics: Human Rights Law, Torts, Disaster Research
Employment record
2022- Prorector for education [Provost], Professor, University of Copenhagen.
2019-2022 Professor, Associate Dean for Education, Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen
2016-2019 Associate Professor, Center for International Law, Conflict and Crisis, Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen
2013-2016 Assistant Professor, Center for International Law and Justice, Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen
Selected external funding awarded
2016 H2020-CSA grant, Enhancing Synergies for Disaster Prevention in the European Union (ESPREssO), WP leader and co-PI, 295.000 euro (3 million euro)
2014 NordForsk, Nordic Centre of Excellence for Resilience and Societal Security (NORDRESS), Co-writer and participant, 23 million NKr.
2012 UCPH Excellence Programme for Interdisciplinary Research, ”Changing Disasters”, Deputy principal investigator and drafter of the application, 17,9 million Dkr.
Selected Editorial work
2016- Senior Editor for Disaster Law, European Journal of Risk Regulation
2014- Reviewer for Cambridge University Press, Disasters, International Journal of Disaster Risk
Reduction, Journal for Applied Volcanology, European Journal of Risk Regulation, Journal of
International Humanitarian Legal Studies and more.
2013-2016 Danish Editor, Retfærd, “Nordic Journal of Law and Justice”.
Membership of professional organizations and networks2017-2022 Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences and Letters' Young Academy
2012-2016 MC for COST action for Disaster Bioethics, IS1201.
2015- Chairman of the Board for the Exhibition Space, X and Beyond.
2016- Member of the American Society of International Law
Academic awards and honorary positions:
2009 Visiting Scholar, Center for Law, Energy & the Environment, UC Berkeley
2017 Visiting Scholar, Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, Cambridge
ID: 5302160
Flest downloads
Synthesis report of existing legal, policy and science approaches in relation to DRR and CCA (Deliverable 2.1): National Report - Denmark
Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapport › Rapport › Forskning
Udgivet -
Disaster Knowledge Gaps: Exploring the Interface between Science and Policy for Disaster Risk Reduction in Europe
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › fagfællebedømt
Udgivet -
La importancia de colmar las lagunas del conocimiento: Un estudio sobre los nexos entre ciencia y politica en relación a la reducción del riesgo de desastres en Europa
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